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Are you looking for somewhere to get involved  that is worthy of your time and energy?


Would you be interested in an opportunity that will change your local community and impact the next generations?


Child Evangelism Fellowship of Georgia – Cobb Chapter is dedicated to making a long-term impact in the lives of children in our community, but we need your help! Check out some of the ways you can do your part.




Prayer is the greatest tool we have in life and ministry. The more dedicated prayer warriors we have, the better we are able to achieve the mission of reaching children. Will you make the commitment to regularly and intentionally pray for these things?

  • Cobb’s children: Pray that children in Cobb County will call on Jesus as their Savior, grow in their relationship with Him, and grow into strong leaders who make an eternal impact.

  • Finances: Pray that the Lord will bless CEF of Cobb financially, so that we can hire more staff, expand to more schools and communities, and ultimately reach more children with the gospel.

  • Good News Clubs and 5-Day Clubs: Pray for the Good News Clubs we currently have-that the children who attend them will have a relationship with Jesus and continue to grow in it, and that more children will attend. Pray also that we will be able to expand and Good News Clubs in more schools and communities. Pray for the 5-Day Clubs and the children who will attend them this summer, that they will come to know Jesus as Savior.

  • Faithful servants: Pray for those who currently serve with CEF of Cobb, and that The Lord will bring more people to faithfully serve.

  • Churches: Pray for the churches that currently partner with CEF of Cobb, and that The Lord will bring more church partnerships and involvement.

You can also learn of more specific prayer requests by joining our email list and attending prayer meetings.

Join the staff, committee and volunteers to pray for CEF of Cobb each month.


CEF of Cobb Prayer Conference Call 
3rd Thursday of every month!

7:00 pm- 8:00 pm

Conference Call In Number

910-247 code



Serve in a Good News Club


Good News Clubs are always in need of more volunteers to commit to serve weekly. Whether your church sponsors a Good News Club, or you are just looking to serve in a GNC at a school near you, you are needed! There are a number of ways you can serve in a GNC:

  • Teach the Bible lesson or memory verse. CEF offers training for how to effectively teach these key components of the Good News Club

  • Read the missionary story

  • Help lead songs and motions

  • Lead a small group of children

  • Open and close the club in prayer

  • Help with set up, attendance, snack, packing up, etc.

  • Help keep children under control

If you are would like to volunteer in a Good News Club a completed online  application and background check will be required.


Start a Good News Club


Is there an elementary school near you that you wish had a Good News Club? You can be the one God uses to start it! On the basis of a Supreme Court ruling in 2001, Good News Club has the right to be in elementary schools, just like any other after school club. With that hurdle out of the way, the next step is to contact Deborah Addington, the CEF of Cobb director. She will work with you on how to go about talking to the principal, getting together a team to serve, organizing the club, etc.


Scholarship a Good News Club


Unfortunately, ministry is not always free. There is a cost for our curriculum, training, and administration. Sometimes there are churches or groups who would like to start and run a Good News Club at a school, but do not have the funds to pay for these things. You have the opportunity to partner with CEF of Cobb by donating funds to scholarship Good News Clubs that are facing a financial obstacle. Contact CEF of Cobb for more information about providing a GNC scholarship.


Serve in Summer Ministry

Whether you are a teenager, a grandparent, or anywhere in between, there are ways you can get involved in CEF of Cobb’s summer ministry (5-Day Club). Here are some of the ways you can serve:

  • Host a 5-Day Club (or less days, depending upon your schedule) at your home, yard, or neighborhood clubhouse. Hosting includes providing the place, a snack, inviting the children in your neighborhood, and being present at the club.

  • Be a teacher at a 5-Day Club. This includes teaching the Bible lesson or memory verse at a 5-Day Club (or multiple 5-Day Clubs!). CEF of Cobb will provide training for those interested in teaching. Contact CEF of Cobb for more information about the dates and locations of upcoming 5-Day Clubs.

  • Be a helper at a 5-Day Club. This includes helping with check-in, snack time, crafts, songs, review games, etc. Contact CEF of Cobb for more information about the dates and locations of upcoming 5-Day Clubs.



Help in the Office

Want a simple, yet extremely helpful way to serve? Several times throughout the year, the CEF of Cobb office could use help cutting things out, putting packets together, stapling, and just overall help! If you are interested in being contacted to help at office work days, Contact CEF of Cobb.


Intern With Us


Are you in college or recently graduated? Are you interested in possibly working in ministry? We have an opportunity for you to get real-life experience in what it is like to serve the Lord in ministry as a career. You would be involved in working on the field with children, as well as in the office with our team. We would also find out what your personal strengths and abilities are, and then figure out how you could best use them in the ministry.  Contact CEF of Cobb if you are interested in this opportunity.


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