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Annual Good News Club Screening & Training
Required for Yearly New and Returning Good News Club® Volunteers

Thank you for your decision to volunteer with Child Evangelism Fellowship®. We are excited about all that God is going to do as churches all across the nation share the Gospel with unchurched children in their communities. Following are some important considerations for all who will volunteer and have direct contact with the children through CEF ministries.

In today’s society child abuse and child accusations are occurring daily. Therefore it is important that Child Evangelism Fellowship® (CEF) take steps to protect the children to whom we minister and protect our workers from false accusations.

All volunteers and paid workers are required to undergo a national criminal background check and complete a volunteer application process in accordance with CEF’s Child Protection Policy.


  • CEF does online background checks and volunteer applications utilizing a secure server so that your information is safe.

  • All volunteers (age 18 and older) and CEF missionaries are required to undergo a national criminal background check.

  • Volunteers under the age of 18 are required to provide personal references.

  • All volunteers are required to attend annual training.

  • All approved workers will receive a required ID badge upon completion of steps 1-3.


 STEP 1:  Prior to Completing the Online Application

      Complete the following:

                  A.  Click here to read the Statement of Faith

                  B.  Click here to read the Worker’s Compliance Agreement   

                  C.  Click here to read the Child Protection Policy 

                  D.  Click here to watch the 12-minute “Protecting Today’s Child” presentation  

                       or listen at 1-866-878-4182

                  E.  Gather the following information to enter online

                            -Your salvation testimony.

                            -Reference contact information (name, phone, email) This should include a pastor or church leader

                              and a personal reference. No relatives please.

                            -Previous addresses (last 5 years)

                            -Driver’s License (if applicable) and Social Security Number


 STEP 2:  Apply Online


If you have prepared the information requested in Step 1, it will take you approximately 15 minutes to complete the online application.


IF YOU ARE A MINOR after you enter your birthdate a pop-up notification will appear. Your parent/guardian must click OK and you can continue with the form. At the end of the form, your parent/guardian must be the one to check the “I Agree” box and enter their full name as a signature.




STEP 3: Attend Fall Training Conference


September 7, 2019

North Metro Church

2305 Ernest W Barrett Pkwy NW.

Marietta, GA 3006


Contact your church’s GNC coordinator for more information or email

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